If it moves, it’s alive! Dancing is probably the only thing I ever actually did since as far back as my memory goes. I love to perform. I’ve learnt various movement forms and I’ve also tried unlearning them. 

Scroll below for some interesting projects and performances that I have been a part of.

Archives of Collapse (Berlin, 2022)

Artistic Direction, Text & Choreography:Annelie Andre

„Archives of Collapse“ explores the collapse as a transformative event. What leads to a collapse and what is the potential of it? What occurs in the silence after?
Destruction and creation, grief and hope coexist in a world where softness and fragility become tools to re-connect – an attempt of constantly diving into new dimensions rather than resigning.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/751633849

Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.“
Sponsoring: RedFox Labs

Sailing City  (Copenhagen & Helsingør, 2016)

Copenhagen Dream House

“Sailing City” offered entertaining performance experiments and environmental debates in the unusual atmosphere of ocean and docks. As participants of the project, our wish is to help eliminate powerlessness and instead engage in positive alternatives, in meaningful symbiosis with our environment. Like many around the globe, we do not want to contribute to the numbness and greed of consumer culture. The consequences of lifestyle, unsustainable growth and fossil fuels today affect the living conditions of more and more, creating irreversible damage to the nature we ourselves are a part of.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/168921799?embedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=2598640

“Sailing City” is a project supported by the Danish Ministry of Culture.

A Multidisciplinary concert at Dome of Visions, (Århus, DK. 2016)

Fearless Warriors of the Roseland:
Juan Pino (Ecuador/Switzerland): hammered dulcimer, vocals, percussion
Vootele Ruusmaa (Estonia): vocals, keyboards
Anna-Maria Huohvanainen (Finland): violin
Daniel Helgason (Iceland): guitars 

Laura Cruz (Costa Rica): dance
Karthik Rajmohan (India): dance
Rebecka Maria Gothen (Sweden): scenery

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/216685660?fbclid=IwAR3ArwkXy_HkrbO0-PKNJlcCzzKm8FzvB54v8Q59SrkhQkSEW8NiQ48MM80

The project was supported by the Nordic Culture Fund and DJBFA.

Arts in Education (India, 2012-2015)

The KHA Foundation 

As part of the KHA foundation’s program in education, I taught classes in movement arts for children of all ages in schools, children’s homes and juvenile detention centers. With the focus on encouraging individual freedom of expression and creativity in a relaxed and supportive environment.

Trailer: https://youtu.be/u4TmIkXbiiA

Window Dancing (Bangalore, India. 2013)

The KHA Foundation 

As part of the KHA foundation’s Forum for Composition and Choreography(FoCoCo), several choreographers created dance pieces that would be publicly performed in malls in the city. The works questioned and reflected the rapid take over of shopping malls that completely shot up the consumeristic lifestyle.
